Arrive at the Joy of Living
HEARTDIRECTION is a term we came up with, it is an expression for a genuine way of being. It means you lead your life from your unique essence. In order to be able to do that, you really need to know who you are. We can help you to figure that out. Most people are driven by their ego, meaning they follow what their mind is dictating them. That’s exhausting and in many cases the source for burnout or overall unhappiness. Being in touch with who you really are is liberating and enables you to live your life with ease and consciousness.
BUREAU K IS BORN TO SERVE. We offer a unique approach that is based on the believe that every human being has a unique essence. Which, in the course of life gets overshadowed by the world around us, sort of squeezed in between conditioning, expectations and the thinking mind. When set free again it enables everyone to act from a place of conscious presence. It’s liberating and empowering to be in touch with the source of who you really are. Discovering your heartbeat, that’s how we call this process, might be the most valuable “thing” you can do for yourself. And for the world as it is. Because the more people out there who can bring their most authentic self to the table, the better we will be able to tackle the challenges the world has in store for us.
THIS WORLD IS IN TROUBLE AND WE ALL NEED TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT AND START RESHAPING IT. Our contribution is twofold, on the one hand we want to help as many individuals as we can to discover their heartbeat. As a consequence these people will allow themselves to be who they really are, that’s a courageous thing to do and it will set free a lot of new energy our world is in desperate need of. Our second focus is the working world. We truly believe it needs a different kind of leadership and work spaces have to look completely different in order to be attractive for the workforce. There is already A SILENT REVOLUTION taking place… people don’t want to come back from the home office and more people than ever before quit their jobs because they don’t see any sense in what they’re doing. We at Bureau K refer to ourselves as new work rebells and help every company who reaches out to stay in the game and understand what it needs to be an employer nowadays and in the days ahead.